Sunday, 29 June 2014

Voltset is a redesigned multimeter for makers

Two Danish engineers are hoping to reinvent one of the most basic tools in the maker's arsenal -- the multimeter.
Their vision for what a 21st-century multimeter should look like is the Voltset. It connects to your smartphone, is capable of auto-logging and calculation and has the ability to extend its capabilities with additional sensors. It also requires no batteries to function.
"We thought, 'Well, it's obviously more helpful to base it on the smartphone that everybody brings and just make it an extension of what you already use,'" explained Bruun-Larsen in an interview with Fast Co.
When connected to your phone, it starts a companion app that automatically displays the most relevant information for your project. You can chart, log and share readings, as well as export to Excel. An APK will allow developers to write extensions and add-ons.
The Voltset will support Android and Windows Phone by the time of its launch in December, with iOS functionality planned over Bluetooth before Spring 2015. It's CAT II capable, meaning you can use it around the house -- but not on your fusebox just yet. "We are improving it to be CAT III capable," the pair say on the Kickstarter page for the project.
With 68 hours to go, that Kickstarter has raised almost $100,000 (£58,000) -- comfortably above the $60,000 (£35,000) that Michael Bruun-Larsen and Tom Wang had requested from crowdfunders.
If you want one, it'll set you back $100 (£59) -- with delivery scheduled for December 2014.

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